Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lets put our heads in the sand and get pissed!

As the news outlets dance around the DNC like kids in a candy store and Hillary officially endorses Obama with apparent enthusiasm, you really just can't miss stories about angry Clinton supporters.


Dear Angry Clinton supporters,

We understand your pain. We know your pissed that Michigan and Florida got nixed in the primary process and we know you were all super pumped about a female democratic nominee. And we know the disappointment you must have felt when your sure thing got eclipsed by a junior senator from Illinois. But seriously, you've had your time to grieve. Get over it/yourselves.

There virtually no legitimate way for a progressive voter to choose McCain over Obama if they had previously backed Clinton.

Do none of you remember the Clinton - Obama debates? It was like watching a lunatic debate himself (or herself). The only moments highlighted in the news were witty little sound bits that, while entertaining, were pretty much irrelevant to any sort of issue-oriented debated.

Be it the economy, the war, gay rights, abortion, or pretty much anything else, Obama and Clinton held pretty much the same views and still do.

Sure it was touching (albeit moderately alarming) to see your unfettered devotion to your candidate during the primaries when you all boldly announced "if Obama gets the nomination, I'll vote for McCain," but really, that whole shindig is over and done with. We let you slide before because we thought you were only halfway serious, but now its time to jump back on the bandwagon and stop whining.

That's all for now.

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